Immobiliare Casarotto

Wonderful renovated apartment with parking space in the his

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Rif: AF178CP


VICENZA - zona Centro Storico
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In a renowned context in the heart of the centre, elegant apartment with large dimensions of approximately 200 square meters on the third floor served by a lift, consisting of a large divided living area, lounge, dining room and large newly furnished kitchen with all new appliances, three large bedrooms, two bathrooms and a laundry room with washing machine and washer-dryer. Air conditioning, central heating, external windows with double glazing, intercom. A few meters away there is a private uncovered parking space. Eu.2300 + 200 condominium fees ref AF 178CP


Descrizione Superficie Sup. comm.
Immobile - 3° piano 195 Mq 195 Mqc
Totale 195 Mqc


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