Immobiliare Casarotto

Wonderful single house with swimming pool

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Rif: AF 182CR


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CREAZZO: 20 minutes from the Ederle barracks and 15 minutes from the Del Din barracks, single house for rent with well-fenced garden, swimming pool with barbeque and hydromassage tub. The house is on two levels. On the ground floor there are the kitchen, living room and dining room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and the laundry room. On the first floor there are four bedrooms, a walk-in closet and two bathrooms. Garage and cellar and storage/warehouse. Rif AF 182CR - Rental price 3500 euros. Excluding pool maintenance and gardening costs.


Descrizione Superficie Sup. comm.
Immobile - piano terra 186 Mq 186 Mqc
Immobile - 1° piano 132 Mq 132 Mqc
Terrazza - 1° piano 7 Mq 2 Mqc
Terrazza - piano terra 33 Mq 10 Mqc
Box/Garage - piano terra 40 Mq 20 Mqc
Altro - piano terra 30 Mq 15 Mqc
Giardino/Resede 1.100 Mq 110 Mqc
Totale 475 Mqc


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